![stockservers.png](https://vpsname.com/usr/uploads/2019/10/755403630.png) StockServes start their buniness this year and they now provide dedicated servers in Los Angeles, Miami and Dallas with a low price. If you interesting with their low price server, you can have a try today. ## Plan #### Intel i3-530 - Los Angeles 16GB DDR3 RAM 1TB HDD 10TB Bandwidth @ 1Gbit 1Gbit private network /29 IPv4, /64 IPv6 $25/mo (first 5 available at $20/mo with code G4U43LW5XX, limited to 1 discount use per client) [Order here](https://my.stockservers.com/aff.php?aff=9&pid=198¤cy=2 "Order here") #### Intel i3-2130 (or similar) - Miami 8GB DDR3 RAM 1TB HDD 10TB Bandwidth @ 1Gbit 1Gbit private network /29 IPv4, /64 IPv6 [Order here](https://my.stockservers.com/aff.php?aff=9&pid=200¤cy=2 "Order here") #### Intel X3430 (or similar) - Los Angeles 16GB DDR3 RAM 1TB HDD 10TB Bandwidth @ 1Gbit 1Gbit private network /29 IPv4, /64 IPv6 $30/mo [Order here](https://my.stockservers.com/aff.php?aff=9&pid=202¤cy=2 "Order here") #### Intel X3430 (or similar) - Dallas (Very Low Stock) 8GB DDR3 RAM 1TB HDD 10TB Bandwidth @ 1Gbit 1Gbit private network /29 IPv4, /64 IPv6 $30/mo [Order here](https://my.stockservers.com/aff.php?aff=9&pid=201¤cy=2 "Order here") ## Test Data LAX: [100MB](http://repos.lax-noc.com/speedtests/100mb.bin "100MB") MIA: [100MB](http://repos.mia.lax-noc.com/speedtests/100mb.bin "100MB") DFW: [100MB](http://repos.dfw.lax-noc.com/speedtests/100mb.bin "100MB") ## Additional Information All services benefit from Quadranets 3Gbit VEST DDoS protection and benefit from their enterprise grade network. All services are eligible for BGP sessions and bring your own IP. Our in-house server control panel is currently not available and is being worked on and should be ready in ~2 weeks to allow users to reboot, reinstall and manage their IPs.